

Why Choose Delani?

We drive our clients through the whole process of building, launching and scaling their solutions. Whether we’re creating a complex enterprise product or an MVP for a startup, when we commit, we put all of our brainpower and soul into it and think ahead. Dedication, passion, drive and stability are what we stand for. We drive our partners through the product creation, entering the markets, and scaling — in a word, we help ensure the product success.

We create advanced digital products that are flexible for future updates and scaling, and never hesitate to offer better solutions when we see ones. We establish an easy yet highly efficient collaboration with our clients, and apply approaches our teams can get the most from. Here at Delani we apply our extensive knowledge in both tech and business domains to help our partners build products from scratch, go through digital transformation, and scale.

Our Suite Of Services

We offer a variety of services spannig across the tech ecosystem

Software Consultancy

No matter what you are going through - digitizing your services, launching a startup, or updating your codebase - our experts will help bring your business to the next level.

Web Development

The web world offers a huge variety of solutions both for your business and your customers. We acquire the most efficient ones to bring you from MVP to scalable enterprise products.

Mobile Development

Smartphones are our guides, friends, and even wallets. We create good-looking and easy-to-use mobile applications that easily integrate with a number of third-party services to bring users exactly what they need.

UX/UI Design

Digital products comprise complex development and processes, but customers don’t need to know that. We design your idea the way people want to interact with it, creating human-centered and research-based interfaces with the best UI/UX practices.

DevOps, Scaling & Deployment

Our approach to collaboration with clients is partnership. DevOps as a culture helps us to deliver top-notch quality both in the development process and team work, while implementing innovations and achieving business goals.

Quality Assurance

We implement QA during the whole development cycle making sure that the product meets requirements and industry standards. Our QA Engineers are ISTQB-certified and provide services from business idea testing to evaluation of real users’ feedback.

Data Engineering

Data is a king, especially when you want to get more customers, understand them better, optimize expenses and automate processes. Bring your business to the next level with data-driven solutions, high-load machine learning, and up-to-date AI.

Chatbot Design & Development

We offer full cycle of Custom Chatbot Development Services & Chatbot Solutions for Facebook, Google Allo, Twitter, Slack, Kik, Whatsapp, Microsoft and much more.

Technical Training

Our instructors are industry experts with a wealth of real world experience leading technology service and support organizations. This leads to a highly interactive classroom environment where real issues are addressed and solved with long lasting benefits.

Our Portfolio

Here are some of the most interesting projects we have done

Customer Relationship Mangement System
Interractive Converational AI Chatbot
Talent Acquisition & Application Tracking System

You Are In Good Hands

Some of the largest companies around the world trust us with their projects

Get In Touch

Let's partner today and make your ideas a reality